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How to get the most out of your email marketing

Published: 27th September 2017

So you've done your first email marketing send..what next?

In this week's video, we are going to look at how you can really get the most out of your email marketing, by understanding and reacting to your results.

The temptation is often to just to look at opens, then just send the same campaign again. If we take the time understand these results and try some changes, then this can have some really positive effects.

So let's dive straight in and look at some of the key areas:

#1 Look at the number of clicks versus the number of opens

What we are trying to establish here, is how successful the current design is in converting viewers to clicks.

Smart Insights say that we should expect to see 12.5% of our opens then going through to click on our links.

So, if we use this benchmark when looking at our next campaign we can decide if we need to make some changes to our mailer.

If the clicks through that we are receiving are on the low side, then perhaps it's worth
considering making your links bigger, more attention grabbing or change to text that is being used.

The beauty of email marketing is that you can view these after every send and keep making small changes until you find the formula that works for your business.

#2 Change the Call to action

Every mailer should have a clear purpose, after reading it, what do you want your recipients to do? this instruction to do something is called the ?Call to Action'

Your mailer will live and die by how effective this call to action is. By making small changes to this, you can see dramatic effects. It's always worth trying this.

#3 Segment Data

After you have sent your mailer, when looking at the analytics, you'll notice that different people reacted differently to your send.

If you have a few different links on the mailer possibly to different products, then you'll see click through statistics for each of these.

So it's worth perhaps creating a new sub list of people that have shown an interest in different products. These people could then be remarketed with a mailer that focuses entirely on their previous preferences.

# 4 Look at open time trends.

You will also see the times that people clicked on links, you could then develop sub lists of
people that opened your mailer either in the morning, afternoon or evening.

So when your next send your mailer you can send to each group at a time that they are receptive.

Ok so there we are, that's four quick and easy areas to look at after you've sent your
mailer. If you follow these, you'll really start to see some big jumps in you email marketing.
Let's get started.
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Email Blaster
Unit 10A Burcote Wood Business Park
Wood Burcote
NN12 8TA
01327 438077

Email Blaster is a trading name of JC Peters Ltd registered in England & Wales no. 07168254

UK based