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Create email subject headers that will increase conversions

Published: 13th July 2021
Your email marketing campaigns will often live or die by the subject header line. This is the first part of your email that your recipients see via the preview section of their email browser.

So, if this subject header doesn’t immediately strike a chord with your recipients, they will delete it without ever reading it. The other negative effect that a poor subject header can have is to trigger your recipient’s spam filter to deliver it to the junk folder.

So, how do you create a subject header line that is both engaging and passes a spam check?

There are a few proven techniques that you can try to make sure that your mailer stands out and strikes the right note with your viewers.

  1. Ask a question. - this is a great way of creating enough curiosity with your viewer to want to open your mailer to find out the answer

  2. Keep it shorter than 50 characters. Any longer and the email reader will truncate it, so the viewer will only see part of your subject header

  3. Use an emoji - these are great for helping your email stand out in a crowded inbox

  4. Try personalising it with using mail merge - this means each recipient will receive it personalised to them

  5. Start with ‘How to’ - offering knowledge rather than pure sales really works

Following these quick and easy tips will really help you to increase your open rates - very simple to employ, all very effective.

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Email Blaster
Unit 10A Burcote Wood Business Park
Wood Burcote
NN12 8TA
01327 438077

Email Blaster is a trading name of JC Peters Ltd registered in England & Wales no. 07168254

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