
How to make internal newsletters less boring

Making internal newsletters engaging and less boring is key to ensuring that employees actually read and benefit from them. Here are some strategies to...

What exactly is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage, email, or other marketing assets to determine...

How to optimise your email for better conversions

Optimizing emails for better conversions involves several key strategies, from crafting compelling subject lines to personalizing content and ensuring clear calls to action. Here’s...

How is the cloud affecting your business and personal internet activities?

Recently, in one of my areas of business consultancy, I was asked by a client – a manufacturing company, how he should ‘get in...

Email Marketing Get inspired – examples of recent campaigns and how success was achieved

A lot has been written; here in our blogs (Email Blaster UK) and across the ambit of forums blogs and social media, on the...

Why companies fail

  The statistics of company failures are deceptive if viewed from the aspect of declared insolvency (liquidation, both voluntary and involuntary); i.e. information that is...

Email marketing: the facts you need to know.

  Email marketing is fast becoming the most effective way of reaching customers in a focused manner; particularly relevant to business-to-business marketing where target markets...

Eight killer tips for a start-up business in the E-Commerce environment.

I recently heard a well-known politician describe the first quarter of the 21st century as being likened to the renaissance period of the 15,16th...

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How to make internal newsletters less boring

Making internal newsletters engaging and less boring is key...

How to combine SMS and email marketing

Combining SMS and email marketing can create a powerful...

What incentives should you use to get more subscribers?

Attracting more email subscribers involves offering compelling incentives that...

SMS marketing techniques

SMS marketing, or text message marketing, involves sending promotional...

What exactly is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a...

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