
How to make internal newsletters less boring

Making internal newsletters engaging and less boring is key to ensuring that employees actually read and benefit from them. Here are some strategies to...

What exactly is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage, email, or other marketing assets to determine...

How to optimise your email for better conversions

Optimizing emails for better conversions involves several key strategies, from crafting compelling subject lines to personalizing content and ensuring clear calls to action. Here’s...

Brand new blacklist checker – Email Blaster

Building a brand new blacklist checker I have spent the past week working on very own blacklist checker for email blaster. The progress has been...

The Best Time To Send Email Marketing

Scheduling is incredibly important when it comes to email marketing. Send your emails out at the wrong time and you risk them being completely...

Top Email Design Trends of 2019

Rumours that email marketing peaked long ago appear to be unfounded, with the practice enjoying a new lease of life over recent years. Some...

List builder and Campaign builder

New releases and upcoming projects It has been a busy and tough 6 months filled with many challenges and tasks to overcome, many that have...

How does ‘Legitimate Interests’ work?

Since GDPR went live back in May last year, there has been quite a bit interest in the term 'Legitimate Interests'. This term has...

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How to make internal newsletters less boring

Making internal newsletters engaging and less boring is key...

How to combine SMS and email marketing

Combining SMS and email marketing can create a powerful...

What incentives should you use to get more subscribers?

Attracting more email subscribers involves offering compelling incentives that...

SMS marketing techniques

SMS marketing, or text message marketing, involves sending promotional...

What exactly is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a...

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