Email Marketing UK Tips

How to make internal newsletters less boring

Making internal newsletters engaging and less boring is key to ensuring that employees actually read and benefit from them. Here are some strategies to...

How to create the perfect welcome email

Creating the perfect welcome email is crucial for setting the tone for a new subscriber or customer relationship. Here are the key elements and...

How to write the perfect staff email newsletter

Writing the perfect staff email newsletter involves several key elements: relevance, engagement, clarity, and a professional tone. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you...

Split test your campaigns to find the winning formula

Like designing an advert for a printed magazine, your email marketing success will greatly rely on the actual message which you broadcast. If you are...

Automatically clean your email database

You have successfully imported your client email database and are ready to send your first email campaign. Your email database of clients may have been...

Plain text alternative. It’s vital!

You have spent ages designing a fantastic looking HTML based email layout, you have carefully formatted all your images and text to match your...

It’s all about a quality email database

Email marketing is a great cost effective way to communicate your message. The success of your email marketing is greatly dependant on the quality...

Plan your design: emails with images

With office and household internet speeds increasing file size is no longer such a concern with your email marketing. Marketers can quite comfortably attach...

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How to make internal newsletters less boring

Making internal newsletters engaging and less boring is key...

How to combine SMS and email marketing

Combining SMS and email marketing can create a powerful...

What incentives should you use to get more subscribers?

Attracting more email subscribers involves offering compelling incentives that...

SMS marketing techniques

SMS marketing, or text message marketing, involves sending promotional...

What exactly is A/B testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a...

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