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Send Email Campaign

Topics covered:


The send campaign area of the email blaster API let's you setup, cancel and view your scheduled email sends. This area is commonly used by developers wanting to setup an email send after a trigger event inside your database or CRM. This can be used in conjunction with the campaign clone facility to template a design, then trigger an automated send.

Make A Send

This API call can be used to setup an email send. The API will request a minimum of three constituent elements: {campaign_id}, {list_id}, {senderprofile_id}. Before requesting your send, you will need to have all three elements defined (these can be gathered by checking out the mailing lists, campaigns and sender profiles API pages).

Using this API request, you can specify if the campaign should be sent right away, or set a future time / date for the send to take place. When the set send time / date is reached, the campaign will be automatically sent. The {send_time} should be set in 24 hour format (all times are GMT). The {send_date} should be set using DD/MM/YYYY.

To setup a campaign send, a POST request should be made to the following URL:

Note: Specify the {id} of the campaign you wish to send in the URL

The request should be a JSON object containing the following information:

list_id => Mailing list id's this send should be delivered to (separate multiple lists with comma).
sender_profile_id => The sender profile id which should be used.
send => now / schedule (Desired send time).
send_time => If send set as 'schedule', specify send time in 24 hour format (GMT).
send_time => If send set as 'schedule', specify send date as DD/MM/YYYY.

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:


View Setup Sends

This API call will return a list of all your future scheduled sends, along with sends which are waiting to be processed (delivered).

To return a summary report, a GET request should be made to the following URL:


After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:

         "date_added":"07\/08\/2017 09:56 AM",
         "status":"Scheduled | 18\/08\/2017 | 12:00"
         "date_added":"07\/08\/2017 09:56 AM",
         "status":"Scheduled | 23\/08\/2017 | 13:00"
         "date_added":"07\/08\/2017 09:56 AM",
         "date_added":"07\/08\/2017 09:58 AM",
         "status":"Scheduled To Be Sent"
campaign_id => ID of campaign to send.
list_id => ID of list to deliver to.
date_added => Date and time this job was created.
status => Current status:
'Sending' (currently being delivered).
'Scheduled To Be Sent' (delivery pending).
Scheduled | DD/MM/YYYY | G:i (scheduled for future date)

Cancel A Send

At any point before sending, a scheduled campaign send can be cancelled. Please note, once a campaign has started sending, this is a one way process and cannot be halted.

To remove a send, construct a POST request to the following URL:


The request should be a JSON object containing the following information:

campaigns => comma separated {campaign_id}

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:

Note: After a campaign send has been cancelled. Email credits are returned in the form of a credit booster.