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Campaign Management

Topics covered:


The campaign area of the email blaster API allows you to effectively view and manage your sent / unsent campaigns. Find out how to quickly preview, clone and manage your setup campaigns.

View Sent / Unsent Campaigns

Campaigns are split into two categories: sent and unsent. A sent campaign is a campaign that has been delivered or scheduled to be delivered to one of your mailing lists. An unsent campaign is a campaign that has been previously created, but has not yet been sent.

Using this API call, you can either return a full listing of your sent or unsent campaigns. To return a listing of your unsent campaigns, construct a GET to the following URL:


Alternatively, to return a listing of your sent / scheduled to be sent campaigns, construct a GET to the following URL:

Note: Pagination can be used to navigate through your results.
1st page: https://api.emailblaster.cloud/2.0/campaign/view/sent/1
2nd page: https://api.emailblaster.cloud/2.0/campaign/view/sent/2
(Returned in batches of 100)

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:

         "name":"Bob July Campaign",
         "subject":"Our summer newsletter",
         "name":"Bob August Campaign",
         "subject":"August is here!",
         "name":"Bob September Campaign",
         "subject":"September Newsletter",
         "sent_to":"My Subscribers",
         "name":"Bob October Campaign",
         "subject":"A spooky newsletter",
         "sent_to":"My Mailing List",
         "name":"Bob November Campaign",
         "subject":"It is cold, it is dark!",
         "sent_to":"Mailing List Name",
         "name":"Bob December Campaign",
         "subject":"It is still cold, it is still dark!",
         "sent_to":"Customer List",

In both a sent / unsent call, the same field names are returned. The {preview} value contains a unique web link to preview the design / content of your newsletter.

Clone Campaign

The clone facility is perfect to re-use a previously sent campaign without changing the content. This API section can also be used if you have a set of templates which you wish to use on a regular basis. For each send, a clone API call can be made to create a copy of the desired template.

To perform a clone action, you will need to make a GET request. Your request should be made to the following URL:

{id} should contain the campaign_id to clone.

After a successful clone request, the following JSON response will be returned:

{id} contains the id of your newly created clone.

Campaign Search

The campaign search function can be used to return the details of a specific campaign, or set of campaigns against your own search criteria.

In the most basic form, if you know your campaign_id, you can simply submit the campaign_id.

You can also search by campaign name, subject line, date, linked mailing list name or any item of data which will easily distinguish your campaign from your database.

In each case the full campaign details and status will be returned.

To perform a search, you will need to make a POST request. Your request should be made to the following URL:


The request should be a JSON object containing the following information:

{"search_string":"June newsletter"}
A maximum of 50 records will be returned.

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:

           "name":"June newsletter",
           "subject":"Our June Newsletter",
           "name":"June newsletter 2",
           "subject":"Hot June Deals",
           "name":"June Newsletter 3",
           "subject":"June summer deals",
           "name":"June Newsletter 4",
           "subject":"Welcome to summer",
           "name":"June Newsletter 5",
           "subject":"Summer promo",

Delete Campaign

If a campaign is no longer required, you can use the email blaster API to permanently delete this campaign. Deleting a campaign is a one way process and cannot be undone. If you choose to delete a sent campaign, associated analytics data will also be removed.

This call is not suited to cancel a scheduled send. A delete campaign call will simply attempt delete the campaign, not a send. If a future send is setup on the target campaign, the delete request will fail, you will first need to cancel off any attached sends (see send campaign section of API docs).

To run a campaign delete request, this can be done using a DELETE call to the following API URL:

{id} should contain the campaign_id which you wish to delete.