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Insight Tracking

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When a subscriber lands on your website from an email campaign, Insight allows email blaster analytics to track each user's journey around your website. The optional e-commerce ROI tracker can automatically track cart abandonment and purchases made.

Visitor Tracking

To activate Insight visitor tracking, please add the following code before the </head> tag on all web pages you wish to track:

<script src="https://dujantdza7z0f.cloudfront.net/Insight/Insight.js"></script>
Don't Forget: Ensure that the tracking code is added to all pages on your website.

Once the tracking code has been installed on your website, register your domain for tracking inside email blaster.

To register a domain, head over to the Apps section inside email blaster and install the Insight App, once installed you will see an option to register your domain. The App will also validate your domain, checking that Insight tracking has been successfully installed.

ROI Tracking - Introduction

Optional: If you only wish to track subscribers as they journey around your website, you do not need to complete any of the steps detailed below.

ROI (Return On Investment) can be enabled alongside visitor tracking for the most comprehensive visitor tracking experience. Enabling ROI enables your email blaster to automatically track abandoned basket and calculate the total income generated from each email campaign.

Before continuing, please ensure that you have successfully added the ‘visitor tracking’ JavaScript to the head section of your website. This script contains vital components required for ROI/Abandoned Basket tracking.

ROI / Add to Basket

To optionally enable abandoned basket tracking, when a user adds an item to their shopping cart, fire the following JavaScript function:

EMBInsightTrack('BasketAdd', 'How to make an apple pie', '9.99', '2');

The above example will add the following to our shopping basket:
2 x 'How to make an apple pie' at £9.99 per unit

ROI / Remove From Basket

If an item is removed from the user’s basket, we will need to call the following JavaScript function:

EMBInsightTrack('BasketRemove', 'How to make an apple pie');

The above will remove 'How to make an apple pie' from our shopping basket. If multiple quantities have previously been added i.e. 2x ‘How to make an apple pie’, both items will be removed.

ROI / Update Basket

Fire this JavaScript function when a user makes a quantity update to their shopping basket. For example, if the user has added another copy of ‘How to make an apple pie’ and now has three copies of the book in their shopping basket, call the following function:

EMBInsightTrack('BasketUpdateQty', 'How to make an apple pie','3');

ROI / Record Purchase

If the item was already in our shopping basket, we can fire the following JavaScript function on your order confirmation page (when the purchase has been successfully made). This will complete the shopping journey and record the sale:

EMBInsightTrack('Checkout', 'Learn to fly in 2 easy steps');
EMBInsightTrack('Checkout', 'How to make an apple pie');
EMBInsightTrack('CheckoutAmount', '34.97');

If the item was not already in our shopping basket, we can add it to our shopping basket and record the sale in one step:

Tip: Ideal if your website uses one click buy (or you don't require abandoned basket tracking).
EMBInsightTrack('Checkout', 'Death of the Shrieking Monkey ', '19.99','1');
EMBInsightTrack('Checkout', 'Secret of the Three-Inch Tourists ', '18.99','1');
EMBInsightTrack('CheckoutAmount', '38.98');