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List & Folder Management

Topics covered:


This section of the email blaster API focuses around the management and organisation of your subscribers. The tools available inside this area of the API allow you to effectively manage and organise large volumes of subscribers.

Subscribers are organised using the following structure tree: Folders > Mailing Lists > Subscribers.

Folders can be created to store groups of mailing lists. Each mailing list can contain up to 25,000 subscribers.

Create A Folder

A folder can contain a group of mailing lists. This request will create a new folder ready to store a set of mailing lists. A new folder can be created with a POST request to the following address:


The request should be a JSON object containing your desired folder name:

{"name":"bob's account"}

After a successful request, the following data will be returned. The value named ‘folder_id' will contain the unique ID number of your newly added folder. You may wish to store this inside your CRM or database for making additional future calls against this folder.


List Folders

This API call will output a list of all existing folders and their associated {id}. You may wish to store the {id} for use with future calls against a specific folder.

This request can be made with a GET call against the following URL:

After a successful request, the following data will be returned. The value named 'folders' will contain the {id} and {name} of each folder.
         "name":"bob folder"
         "name":"weekly newsletter lists"
         "name":"CRM users"

Update A Folder

This request to the API can be used to change the name of a mailing list folder contained within your email blaster. This request should be made with a PATCH call to the following URL:

{id} should contain the folder_id which you wish to patch.
Your request should also contain the following JSON data:
     "name":"New Folder Name"

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:


Delete A Folder

This request to the API can be used to remove / delete a folder from your email blaster. Any mailing lists and associated subscribers contained within this folder will also be removed. This is a one way process which takes place instantly after the call is made.

To remove a folder, you will need to make a DELETE request. This request should be made against the following URL:

{id} should contain the folder_id which you wish to delete.

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:


Create A Mailing List

This API request will create a new mailing list inside your email blaster. Once created, the mailing list {id} will be returned. You can store the returned {id}, using it in future subscribe calls.

You can create a new mailing list by making a POST request to the following URL:

Your request should contain the following JSON data:
     "name":"New Mailing List",
folder_id => mailing list parent folder {id} [Required Field]
type => B2B or B2C [Required Field]
third_party => Y/N [Specify if list has been generate by a 3rd party] [Required Field]

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:

  "list_id": "43"

Delete A Mailing List

This request to the email blaster API will allows you to delete a mailing list. This is a one way process, any subscribers assigned to this mailing list will also be deleted.

The action can achieved by making a DELETE request to the following URL:

{id} should contain the list_id which you wish to delete.

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:


Update A Mailing List

This call will make an update/amend to a mailing list. For example, you may wish to give your mailing list a new name.

To update a mailing list, you will need to make a PATCH request. Your request should be made to the following URL:

{id} should contain the list_id which you wish to update.

Your request should also contain the following JSON data (you only need to define the values which you need to update):

  "name":"bob mailing list",
  "folder": "43"
name => new mailing list name. (optional)
folder => Assign mailing list to a new parent folder by providing new parent folder id. (optional)

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:


View Mailing Lists

This request to the email blaster API can be made to return the mailing lists which you have stored in a specific folder. The {folder_id} should be provided in the query URL:

Construct a GET request to the following URL:


After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:

         "name":"New Customers",
         "name":"List One",
         "name":"Latest Signups",
         "name":"new list",

View Mailing List Subscribers

Use this call to return all subscribers assigned to a specific mailing list. Ideally suited if you need to update your CRM system or sync with your own internal database.

To perform this call, you will need to build a GET request. Your request should be made to the following URL:

{id} should contain the list_id which you wish to view.
{page} should contain the page number to view. 50 results will be returned per page.

After a successful request, the following JSON response will be returned:

    "status": "ok",
    "page": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "subscribers": [
            "id": 317427,
            "salutation": "",
            "first_name": "Gary",
            "surname": "Kane",
            "company": "",
            "ref": "",
            "email": "gary@kane-gold.com",
            "mobile": "",
            "custom_fields": {
                   "region": "ES"
            "tags": "",
            "status": "bounced"
            "id": 317404,
            "salutation": "",
            "first_name": "Jamie",
            "surname": "Parker",
            "company": "email blaster",
            "ref": "",
            "email": "jamie@piesinc.com",
            "mobile": "",
            "custom_fields": {
                   "region": "GB"
            "tags": "",
            "status": "unsubscribed"
            "id": 317405,
            "salutation": "",
            "first_name": "Philip",
            "surname": "Finn",
            "company": "email blaster",
            "ref": "",
            "email": "philip@just-pies.com",
            "mobile": "",
            "custom_fields": null,
            "tags": "",
            "status": "active"
            "id": 317401,
            "salutation": "",
            "first_name": "Philip",
            "surname": "Smith",
            "company": "email blaster",
            "ref": "",
            "email": "philip@mac-fish.com",
            "mobile": "",
            "custom_fields": {
                   "region": "FR"
            "tags": "87",
            "status": "active"