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Using email marketing software to send your Christmas cards

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Christmas is an important time of year, perhaps this year more than ever. It’s good to keep in touch with those close to us, and for businesses it’s a good time to reach out to customers with a seasonal greeting. This can be a positive Christmas message, a thank you for their custom, and a reason to look forward to the New Year. Keeping in touch with your customer base with a Merry Christmas email, is not only a nice thing to do, it also makes good business sense.

Get in touch with your customers by sending a Christmas email

Email Christmas cards can create a positive impact with your customers. They remind them about what you offer, show you’ve remembered them and give you an opportunity to display that you value their custom. They’re not a direct selling email, more of a way to appear on their radar without being too pushy. They can be the perfect excuse to get noticed by customers you’ve not heard from for a while.

Creates a friendly positive impression

By sending a Merry Christmas message to customers you can help to create a friendlier impression. They’re often well-received by customers, in a way that other kinds of email marketing often aren’t. The businesses who make positive contact at Christmas tend to be the ones with better customer engagement. Sending a Christmas email to your customers can be a way to establish a positive, more engaged marketing strategy as you head into the New Year. 

Email marketing software makes it easy

If you invested in email marketing software this year, then it’s likely you’ll already have planned your Christmas message. Software makes email marketing simpler, more streamlined, and effective. A Christmas email marketing template should be part of an email marketing package and can help deliver large numbers of emails exactly when you want them.

Cloud-based email marketing software is the smart way for businesses to develop, strengthen and grow their email marketing strategy. At this time of year, customers appreciate contact from the businesses whose goods and services they value. By making sure a tailored email lands in their inbox during the festive period, you’ll be taking a small step to increase their sense of loyalty to your brand.

Email Blaster offers UK based, cloud software that fires up your email marketing strategy. Our friendly and professional team are on hand to answer any questions you might have, and to help you take your email marketing strategy to the next level. Why not get in touch today?

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