HomeAnnouncementsNew Database import system live

New Database import system live

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As promised we have now made our new database import wizard now live. We would like to thank all the BETA testers who volunteered to test the new project.

With the new wizard you can now upload and install your email database directly off your computer, rather than waiting for a member of staff to configure the import for you. The new system has be designed and coded from the ground up after listening to your feedback.

CSV files only please

Unfortunately we can no longer accept  Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers files. The new database import wizard will require you to export your database as a .CSV file.

However, do not worry! – Both Excel and Numbers can export your data as a CSV file. We have also written guides for both (saving as a CSV guide can be found inside the Wizard).

Automatic error checking

We have also designed an error checking scanner. When importing your email database, all data will be scanned for possible invalid email contacts  – such as mistyped email addresses.

During the wizard, you will be presented with a list of possible invalid data, asking if you would like to amend of delete this data.

An easy to use database import tool

The new import wizard has been design to be quick and easy to use. You don’t have to be an IT geek of export to quickly import your data.

However if you do get stuck – we are still here to help, simply open a support ticket.

As always, your feedback with the new Wizard is always welcome.

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