HomeEmail Marketing UK TipsIt's all about quality

It’s all about quality

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You have entered the world of email marketing, you have seen how cost effective this medium can be – your next task is to build your mailing list. Who exactly are you going to email?

Quality email lists are worth their weight in gold

One of the most common misconceptions with email marketing is that you can simply harvest any generic email address, email it – then expect great results.

Building a great quality refined list takes time. We tend to find that the best quality and most successful email lists contain personally addressed emails – for example bob.smith@companyname.com rather than sales@companyname.com.

In addition to this. When you harvest and email to generic sales@ addresses a much larger majority of your emails tend to get marked a spam. Personalised custom emails are typically much more successful.

Avoid where possible the generic sales@ addresses and you may quickly generate a positive reputation as a email marketeer.

Its about quality not quantity

We normally advise that you should take your time to develop a quality email list made up of your clients or people with an interest in your sector (who have opted-in to be sent your emails).

Once you have built your list, start sending out your message. Over a few weeks and months you will be able to quickly refine your list – remove dead email contacts, remove people who are not opening your email. Once you have refined your list, you will then be left with a quality mailing list which will help guarantee success.

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