HomeAdviceHow to boost your inbox placement by changing your send from address

How to boost your inbox placement by changing your send from address

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Boosting your inbox placement can be challenging, but changing your send from address can sometimes help improve deliverability. Here are some tips to consider when changing your send from address:

  1. Authenticate Your New Send From Address: Before making any changes, ensure that you properly authenticate your new send from address using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols. This helps establish trust and verifies the legitimacy of your emails.
  2. Choose a Recognisable and Trustworthy Name: Select a send from name that recipients will recognise and trust. Ideally, use a name that is associated with your brand or organisation, making it clear who the sender is.
  3. Use a Consistent Send From Address: It’s generally best to maintain consistency with your send from address. Frequent changes can disrupt the recipient’s familiarity with your emails, potentially leading to confusion or scepticism. Stick to one send from address, unless there’s a valid reason for changing it.
  4. Avoid Generic or Suspicious-Looking Addresses: Steer clear of generic or suspicious-looking send from addresses, such as “noreply@domain.com” or random combinations of letters and numbers. These addresses can raise flags for spam filters and recipients alike, impacting deliverability.
  5. Consider Using a Subdomain: If you’re experiencing deliverability issues, using a subdomain for your send from address might be beneficial. For example, instead of sending emails from “info@domain.com,” you can try “newsletter@sub.domain.com.” This approach separates your email sending reputation from your main domain, potentially minimising any negative impact.
  6. Communicate the Change to Your Subscribers: If you decide to change your send from address, inform your subscribers about the switch in advance. Send them a notification email explaining the update, emphasising the reasons for the change, and assuring them that it’s legitimate. This helps prevent confusion and ensures that they recognise your emails in their inbox.
  7. Gradually Transition to the New Address: Instead of abruptly changing the send from address for all your subscribers, consider a phased approach. Start by sending a small percentage of emails from the new address and gradually increase it over time. This allows ISPs and spam filters to recognise the change and adjust their filtering accordingly.
  8. Monitor Deliverability and Engagement Metrics: Keep a close eye on your deliverability rates and engagement metrics after implementing the new send from address. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, spam complaints, and bounce rates to gauge the impact of the change. If you notice any negative effects, be prepared to make adjustments or seek further guidance.

Remember that changing your send from address is just one aspect of improving deliverability. It’s essential to maintain a positive sender reputation, follow best practices for email marketing, and consistently provide valuable and relevant content to your subscribers.

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