HomeSoftware NewsEmail Blaster UK announce the launch of Version 3 software

Email Blaster UK announce the launch of Version 3 software

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Email Blaster was launched over 4 years ago and has fast established itself as a market-leading email marketing cloud system for the UK, continental Europe and North American markets and those serving these territories. Building upon the success of its email marketing service, Email blaster UK’s parent company – JC Peters Ltd, has invested heavily in developing and entrenching its market position; primarily in the UK but also globally. JC Peters has invested heavily in expanding the range and number of dedicated servers, all network software and hardware and has extended its range of wholly owned IP addresses – a very valuable and sought after commodity in these days of heavy over-subscription to the internet.
Unusually amongst the range of email marketing cloud services on offer, Email Blaster UK has adhered to a policy of retaining full control over its services by using in-house developed software, wholly owned servers and network hardware and IP’s.
But the most important and customer centric development that the team at Email Blaster UK is pleased to announce is the launch of its Version Three (V3) software that is currently undergoing private beta user sampling and will be rolled out over the next month.
Building upon the market leading email blaster cloud software with its easy to use Graphic User Interface (GUI), its functionality and the range of features, V3 offers step change enhancements in many critical areas that we believe will launch Email Blaster as the most user friendly and comprehensive email marketing cloud software available today.
Key enhancements of Email Blaster at V3 are;

1. New Dashboard

In response to extensive feedback following market testing, a completely new approach to the dashboard was developed. This is the top level GUI and now presents a very intuitive 4 stage ‘get started’ dashboard that takes the user through the four stages of creating, sending and analysing a campaign; upload mailing list, design newsletter, send campaign and track results. These steps are presented as large icon buttons in full screen; clicking on each icon in turn taking the user to subsidiary dashboards that walk through the set up in easy, intuitive steps.

2. New App centre.
V3 offers an app centre that enables users to make use of various additional functional services.
Newsletter sign-up module. A common requirement of any broadcast email message is an embedded footer displaying sender details, sign-up or opt-out tick-boxes and any additional required sender information.
Mailing list clean-up and de-duplication software. Consolidating a range of software services previously offered within Email Blaster, the list clean-up app provides an easy to use, accessible set of structured routines that remove corrupted, erroneous and duplicated addresses from the submitted list.
Spamscan. V3 offers its consolidated de-spam software – Spamscan that uses a combination of Email Blaster UK’s unique suite of algorithms that detect spam traits and characteristics within the email contents, as well as the address check system that detects addresses with spam characteristics or credentials. Using this app, a higher delivery rate is achieved as well as a higher degree of protection against block listing and spam reporting. This app replaces and enhances the previously offered ‘spam ferret’ and spam checker services.

3. Campaign Builder – cBuilder
V3 provides a more flexible, user friendly and powerful campaign builder suite – cBuilder, that offers a massive range of fully bug tested templates (tested on all the main email readers such as gmail, hotmail, MS outlook, Applemail etc.) and now includes several semi-populated templates that enable users to cut and paste in selected graphics and text into bare page templates.
cBuilder also provides both a ‘coder mode’ for those that wish to write their own coded template and an ‘own template upload’ mode for those that already have a fully developed template – very useful for the many customers transferring to Email Blaster UK from another service.




4. Stats Centre.
V3 offers a revised and improved stats centre that opens with a full screen dashboard GUI which enables users to interrogate the statistics available automatically, providing information on delivery, opens, etc. and now, the geographical location of all recipients. We believe that this is a feature not normally available and is a powerful marketing aid in determining the make-up and spread of receivers.

The investment in Email Blaster UK’s server and network hardware, software and infrastructure has been a major contribution to optimised deliverability of campaigns, network capacity and faster response rate. All user cloud data remains securely stored in Email Blaster UK’s data centres in the UK from where all email campaigns emanate. With this investment and the launch of V3 software, Email Blaster UK is confident that it will continue on its mission to provide the most user friendly and comprehensive email marketing system to its served markets. It has never been a better time to join Email Blaster UK’s fast growing community.

The Email Blaster Team

27 November 2012



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