HomeAnnouncementsNew dashboard now live

New dashboard now live

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Today we have released the new and improved dashboard for Email Blaster UK. The new area has been completely re-designed to help improve ease of use and navigation.

The new dashboard acts as your home screen inside EBUK, providing you with a quick summary from your account. A wide range of new features have been introduced:

  • Getting started – A user friendly block enabling you to quickly navigate to key areas  inside your account. This area is ideal if you are a new user and need a helping hand getting started.
  • My summary – The my summary block identifies key stats from your account, allowing you to easily track scheduled campaigns and account usage.
  • Account Health – We have also added an account health feature. This area will automatically track any spam complaints, providing you will an overall health rating as an email marketeer.
  • Help – The new and improved support desk now includes connection to our live help centre, allowing you to talk to our support staff online and in real time. The ticketing system has also been developed to improve ease of access.
  • News feed – The news feed block now shows a summary of the latest news item/announcement direct from EBUK
  • Social networking – It’s the growing online medium. We have now added Facebook and twitter blocks to syndicate our news.

If you have not yet joined the Email Blaster family, please find a screen shot below of the new dashboard – see what you are missing out on:



We hope that you like the new look Email Blaster dashboard. Your feedback is very welcome.

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