HomeSoftware NewsNew and improved stats centre

New and improved stats centre

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We today released our new and improved Statistics Centre for Email Blaster UK.

The new stats area has been completely re-written to improve ease of use and enable you to quickly monitor and track the success of your email marketing in real time.

So what is new in the stats centre?

  • New layout – we have given the stats area a new layout to help improve ease of use and navigation. Once inside the stats for your campaign, the blue navigation bar on the right of each page will enable you to quickly hop between pages.
  • New Graphs – We have changed and re-designed all all graphs within the stats centre. New look pie carts will make monitoring your email marketing results that much clearer and easier.
  • New and additional statistics. The stats centre now calculates a range of additional statistics to help you inspect your campaign results. Easily monitor Click-Through rates, link clicks and more. We have also included a wide range on new breakdowns – how many people unsubscribed after opening your email?
  • Easier access to download CSV and PDF reports – When viewing an area of your campaign stats, simply click on the generate report link to instantly download either a PDF or CSV report of your stats.
  • Collapsable boxes – When you first load your campaign data, you don’t want to be hit will a wall of numbers and statistics. The top of each page will show the headline figures, enabling you to quickly gain an understanding of the success of your campaign. Lower down each page, you can expand the details boxes to research your data further.

We hope that you enjoy using the new stats centre. Your feedback is always welcome.

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