HomeEmail Marketing UK TipsMake email marketing work for you

Make email marketing work for you

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Building a successful email marketing campaign cannot be achieved overnight. The most successful email marketeers adopt a drip drip pressure stance.

Unless your company is a well known and trusted high street brand name, you will need to slowly build up your email marketing presence – with each campaign aiming to establish a higher level of trust with the recipient.

If you are emailing a cold list, your first  4 campaigns should be very consultative. Recipients are often put off and leave your mailing list if you only ask them to buy your product.

Your first 4 campaigns should focus on providing tips and advice regarding your industry/subject area. The first campaign especially should simply provide a reminder of your company, who you are and what you do. Inform your recipients that you would like to email them tips and advice – Do not simply advertise your product.  People do not like getting unsolicited emails, so let your recipients know how and why you are emailing them – did they buy a product from you?

Give your recipients a reason to stay on your mailing list by providing valuable information. Via using this approach you will start to build up a certain level of trust with the recipient. Establishing your company brand name as a trusted source should be your first goal, not simply to sell your product or service.

You have run your first 4 campaigns, now what?

You have now successful run your first 4 email campaigns. Recipients will hopefully be familiar with your brand and trust you, now is the time to start mentioning your product and service.

However, keep giving your recipients a reason to stay in your list, we normally suggest that you continue  offering tips and advice but you can start offering your product.

Keep regular

Now you have established your email presence, ensure that you keep your mailings regular and varied. If you are sending a monthly newsletter, broadcast this newsletter every month on the same day. If you forget to broadcast your email newsletter for a few months, your recipients will forget your brand name and you may have to start from stage one again!

What results can i expect

As mentioned, building a successful email marketing presence takes time. We normally find that the open rate of your 5th email is roughly double that of your first email to this list.


  • Keep your email marketing regular.
  • Never simply broadcast your product, take it slowly.
  • Follow a drip drip approach, email marketing will never achieve great results on your first go to a cold list.
  • Give recipients a reason to stay on your mailing list – give tips and advice from your industry.

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