HomeSoftware NewsSay hello to Spam Ferret.

Say hello to Spam Ferret.

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Today we introduced our latest addition to the EB email marketing uk system – Spam Ferret.

Spam Ferret is a great and easy to use tool that will check your email newsletter for common mistakes which may cause it to be rejected by a spam filter or slip into the dreaded outlook junk folder.

When your email newsletter arrives are the recipient’s email server the body and subject of your email newsletter will be scanned by the recipients email server to help establish if it is a legitimate email or should be considered spam.

Via using EB’s Spam Ferret, the Spam Ferret engine will run over 1000 checks on your proposed email campaign identifying its spam score.

After the engine scans your campaign you will be presented with an easy to read report along with a wide range of advice and tips to help improve your campaign.

An easy to use spam checker for everyone

Many email newsletter spam checkers will simply present with with a spam score – i.e. your spam score is 5. Unless you are an email marketing expert of server administrator, what does 5 mean? is this a good score?

With Spam Ferret we have tried to simplify this process, designing a system which is clear and easy to use. Along with your unique Spam Ferret score, the system will predict your estimated marketing success rate.

So what does Spam Ferret look for?

When running the Spam Ferret engine on your proposed email marketing campaign, we will run over 1000 checks on your campaign analysing it against our spam database.

It would take to long to list everything that Spam Ferret looks for, however here is a summary:

  • Your subject line length. is it too long?
  • Use of block capitals on your subject line
  • Common spam words in your email subject
  • Email body, plain text version attached?
  • Spam words used within your email body
  • How clean is your HTML code?
  • What is your Code Text Ratio?
  • Have you used too many images?

and more.

Where can i find Spam Ferret?

Spam Ferret is a free to use service for all EBUK customers. Inside your EBUK account you should now see a Spam Ferret link next to your email campaigns – along with an option to visit the Ferret when sending your campaign.

We are very pleased to see that while the new engine has only been live a few hours, many you have been using it already. As always, your feedback is much appreciated.

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