HomeSoftware NewsAnalytics Reimagined: Clicks by Location

Analytics Reimagined: Clicks by Location

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Clicks by location

In this blog post, we are going to look at the section about the clicks that our mailer has received.

Email blaster will record the geographic location of your recipient’s mail server. As we can see from the world map, analytics gives us a heat map overlay of where these people are. So at a glance you can see where the hot spots of where your viewer engagement is strongest.

We can also hover and click to find out more information.This could be the exact number and the address of each. We can also see the date and the time of each.

Heading back to the main page, if we scroll down we can see a honeycomb chart of all of these clicks. The size of each hexagon is auto scaled depending on the number of clicks. The number of clicks will determine the size of the hexagon. So this chart will look different for each campaign. This makes it really easy to compare the results if different campaigns- at a glance you can easily identify your strongest performing links.

Understanding and reacting to these statistics is vital in order to really become in tune with what your recipient’s are wanting to see from your mailers.

By hovering and clicking we can also view the detail for each section. We also have hover over content here showing us the time of the click and the link URL.

We can also download this information in pre formatted PDF format or CSV file.

So that is how to see what the location of our clicks are, and the popularity in each country.

To try email blaster, you can open a free account and take it for a spin.

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