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All about Email Marketing Automation

Published: 5th July 2018

Why automation works so well for email marketing

The big trend for email marketing over the last few years has been automation. Lots of software solutions all offer the creation of automated campaigns.

So, how can email marketing automation benefit you, in order to give you an idea of the features and benefits, we’ve put together a top ten of everything you need to know about email marketing automation.

1.Send an email as soon as someone joins your list.

If you have a sign up form on your website, you can use automation to send the first of a chain of emails. The great thing about this is that you can communicate with your recipient when their interest in your company or services is highest – at the point of enquiry.

Often, in the gap between when a new client signs up and when they receive their first communication from you is when they are most likely to lose interest and move on.

2.You can send them an email on a significant date such as their birthday

With automation, you can set emails to be sent on a significant date. This means that you can really help to make your recipients to feel valued by offering them something on a significant date such as their Birthday.

This really helps to build loyalty as your recipient really feels valued.

3.You can send a chain of timed email

Automation lets you send a whole chain of emails, triggered when the person joins your list, or on a significant date. This is great for keeping your company name on their radar – drip marketing is incredibly successful, it just helps to keep your name front and centre.

4.You can send decision-based emails

The great thing about automation is that you can create dynamic campaigns that route recipients down differing paths, depending on how they interact with your sends.

For example, you could send a mailer advertising three products – each with a click through link to your website. Automation can then send your recipients another follow up email, this email could then be different for each of the three products. It could be further information or an offer, based on the first product link that they clicked on.

This really helps to communicate to your customers with exactly what they want to see. Automation will segment your data for the best possible results.

5.It makes it very easy for small companies to send consistent campaigns

Nowadays, most of us have limited access to resources for marketing – there is always so much to be done. The advantage with automation is that you can set up long chains of emails that could go out at timed intervals over several months.

This means that you can create all of your marketing during periods when you have the time to do so – and no matter how busy your get, you’ve always got something going out to your recipients. This is a great way to create consistent marketing.

6.It increases conversion rates dramatically

The effect of everything we’ve discussed so far is to really maximise conversion rates. Already we can see that we are building loyalty, always on the radar of your recipient and sending them emails based on what they want to see. When we put all of these together – it really does increase the chances that your recipients will buy from you.

7.Improved customer retention

Being in regular communication with your target audience really helps to build a long term relationship. This means that they will continue to purchase from you after that all important first sale. The retention rates for this type of customer far outweigh those marketed to by one off campaigns

8.Reduces the amount of unsubscribes

If we are using automate to make sure that our recipients are receiving emails that are relevant to them – then the amount of people unsubscribing is dramatically less.

People generally unsubscribe if they think that what they are receiving is not relevant to their preferences. Automation, really gives you all of the tools to make sure that your communications are qualified and really focused. This means less unsubscribes.

9.You can learn about the behaviour of your subscribers

With automation, you can really learn about hoe your viewer interact with what you are sending. You can quickly deduce which are your most popular product lines, or how long it takes a buyer to make a purchase, or even what time of day they like to be emails.

With access to this depth of information, we can really fine tune what we send to make sure that it really hits the spot. – and ultimately – this means more sales.

10.Gives you time to do other marketing activities

If your email marketing is being sent out at regular intervals automatically – then that gives you more time to investigate other supporting activities that you could do.

Email marketing works best when it is used as part of a 360 degree strategy. By using automation – you can invest time is other activities.

Ok, so there we are, hopefully now you can see why email marketing automation is such a big deal at the moment. It’s really a huge step to making our efforts as efficient as they can be.

If you’d like to give this a go, here at email blaster we have a great automation app, making it a breeze to create all of the elements that we’ve outlined today.

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